1953 CIA Source: People Died in Czechoslovakia Because of Pro-Communist Propaganda from Voice of America

1953 CIA Source: People Died in Czechoslovakia Because of Pro-Communist Propaganda from Voice of America

OPINION AND ANALYSIS Cold War Radio Museum By Ted Lipien Note: The article has been updated to include information that Heda Margolius Kovály had worked in the 1970s as a freelance reporter for the Voice of America Czechoslovak Service under a...

Pro-Stalin Voice of America Propaganda Revealed in 1984 VOA Interview with Józef Czapski

Pro-Stalin Voice of America Propaganda Revealed in 1984 VOA Interview with Józef Czapski

Cold War Radio Museum A recent (2017) independent study by the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) focusing on Voice of America (VOA) broadcasts to Iran has found that under Obama administration officials these broadcasts “perpetuated to...